Third Flying Ambient Salon: Charity balloon flight

We will do it! For the first time, for the second time and for the third time! – The Flying Ambient Salon, which is a great annual charity event, will take to the air on May 30 to raise money with you and your open hearts for a worthy cause: PODLASIE FAMILY ORPHANAGE.

The ambient music you will experience when you buy a seat in the balloon basket will once again create a special audiovisual spectacle especially for you, with stunning views that will unfold before you the picturesque vistas over the Bialystok area.

Once again: we will fly BALLOON for the third time , and you can join and bid for a very limited seat for yourself or a loved one, and in the process help the youngest of the Family Children’s Home.

Support our drop: 
Why did we decide to support one of the Family Children’s Homes this year? All in the name of our #dontworrybeyourself campaign, which, speaking of mental health and being fully consistent with our values, wants to take care of the well-being of Persons of all ages and show that it is worth talking about emotions from an early age. Two years ago we already collected for the Give Children Strength Foundation, last year we contributed together with you to the account of the local Hospice from Makowka. This year, we want to make a tangible impact on the fate of the family, which itself opens its heart every day for its children. Together, we can give them hope for a better future. We sign with both hands that it is by shaping the youngest generations that we can learn anew to talk about feelings, difficulties and spread support in the daily lives of Children and Youth. No one deserves to be hurt and lonely. 🙂

We will provide you with details of the selected Family Children’s Home soon.



This time we give up on the classic Ambient Salon and have for you as many as 12 PACKAGES (they are going like fresh buns so don’t let anyone buy the bricks before you!), thanks to which you will be able to float above the ground with us to admire not only the beauty of our planet, but also indulge in the soothing sounds of music. What’s more: we don’t know if you remember, but the Electrum Up To Date festival also begins on May 30, so… can it get any better! Balloon in the morning, and in the evening dancing and the grand opening of the festival.

This year, too, we are joining forces with our titular and strategic partner, going head-to-head with Electrum, whose balloon will carry us over the picturesque floodplains of the Narew River, while the hot rays of the sun will warm even more eager hearts. If ambient and nature are as dear to you as they are to us, you can’t miss such an opportunity!


– To support the Family Orphanage – details coming soon


– balloon flight, the package of which includes:

– ambient DJ set (Artist TBA, but you will not be disappointed – as always ;))

– breakfast (coffee and sandwiches) from Cukiernia Sowa

– breathtaking views that you won’t see on any TV

– of course, we provide transportation to the flight site and headphones!



– PLN 700 minimum – after all, it’s a worthy cause, so be generous! This is exactly how much you would have to pay for one seat in a commercial balloon flight. In return, I get the opportunity to participate in something completely unique and unforgettable!


May 30, 2024, at dawn (the specific time will be announced – a lot depends on the weather!).

Note: If 700 PLN is too much, remember that you can support the noble cause even with a small without buying a brick, any amount. Every penny counts and your contribution – we will soon make other symbolic packages available for you.

You can find a description of the collection here:
A great charity balloon flight, the Flying Ambient Salon will take to the air for the third time. This time Electrum Up To Date Festival and Electrum company, in the spirit of their #dontworrybeyourself campaign, are collecting for the Family Children’s Home in Podlasie At the end of May, ambient music, which will sound live in a balloon basket, will combine with magical views of the Narew River or the Knyszyn Forest (depending on the weather) and lift you high into the air. Such an opportunity, which is a beautiful opportunity to help, is not to be missed. 

Join in, bid for a very limited place on the flight for yourself or someone close to you – all the money raised will be donated to the Family Orphanage, whose exact location we will announce soon. Why did the organizers decide on such a goal this year?

It’s all in the name of the #dontworrybeyourself campaign, and as the organizers tell us, “It’s a campaign that talks about mental health and being fully consistent with our values wants to take care of the well-being of People of all ages and show that it’s worth talking about emotions from an early age. Two years ago we already collected for the Give Children Strength Foundation, last year we contributed together with you to the account of the local Hospice from Makowka. This year, we want to make a tangible impact on the fate of the family, which itself opens its heart every day for its children. Together we can give them hope for a better future, and we sign with both hands that it is the shaping of the youngest generations that makes us learn anew to talk about feelings, difficulties and spread support in the daily lives of Children and Youth. No one deserves to be hurt and lonely.” 🙂

Electrum Up To Date Festival and the Electrum Group, whose balloon will carry event participants over the picturesque floodplains of the Narew River or the Knyszyn Forest for the third time, are doing it the best way they can, that is, putting all their hearts into preparing the flight and sharing their passion – music. Live ambient music will play in the balloon.

The #Electrum is pursuing a vision of creating a sustainable energy future. From the beginning, it makes sure to do it in interaction with the local community, but also with art – a vehicle for positive energy. That’s why they became the title partner of the Electrum Up To Date Festival in 2024, which will celebrate its 15th birthday this year!

About the #dontworrybeyourself campaign: 

The event called the Third Flying Ambient Salon is a continuation of the #dontworrybeyourself action organized for years by Electrum Up To Date Festival (formerly Up To Date Festival). It is a series of activities aimed at spreading awareness of mental health, initiated by painting a mural at the University Children’s Clinical Hospital in Bialystok and releasing a series of therapeutic audiobooks. 

Description of the flight (package options) at the drop: 

Ticket for the Third Flying Ambient Salon 

Limit: 12 

700 PLN 

At sunrise, over the picturesque surroundings of Bialystok you will have the opportunity, take part in a real feast:

Visual – breathtaking views of Podlasie, golden skies, meandering rivers, wild animals and birds observed in their natural environment will remain in your memory for a long time. We know that this is an unforgettable experience for everyone 

Musical: an ambient music artist who draws his inspiration from nature will play live for you inside the balloon!!! The artist will be announced soon. 

It’s a worthy cause, so be generous! This is exactly how much you would have to pay for one seat on a commercial balloon flight. In return, you get the opportunity to participate in something completely unique and unforgettable! Keep in mind, however, that the balloon flight requires you to be humble before nature, as it dictates the specific time of the flight – we will inform you of everything by email. We invite you to the flight in the morning, at sunrise, takeoff on May 30. We will be in constant contact with you and Wojtek – the pilot of this remarkable aircraft. It is he who will tell us when the weather conditions will be favorable for us and confirm the time.

Sponsor Tytularny
Up To Date Festival 2024



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