First International Eco-Conference at Up To Date Festival
On Saturday 24.06 we meet at Nie Teatr, Sienkiewicza 4, Bialystok for the first international Eco-Conference happening as part of UTDF!
DO WE REALLY CARE? #balance #climatetech #responsibility
The theme of the conference is to reflect together on how music entities function in the context of caring for the wellbeing of the planet. The meetings will take place on Saturday 24 June at Nie Teatr, a new cultural space in Bialystok. The first panel oscillating around the subject of the music industry’s direct impact on the environment will be moderated by Misia Furtak, singer and representative of the organisation Music Declares Emergency Poland. The second discussion will focus on the analysis of inequalities in the music world rooted, among other things, in the geographical location of stages. The discussion will be moderated by Cezary Chwicewski from Up To Date Festival.
12:30 Opening the doors
13:00 – 14:30 Does the festival industry even bother about (its impact on) the environment?
Moderated by Misia Furtak (Music Declares Emergency Poland)
Guests: Grzegorz Stanisławski (Electrum), Halvard Müller (Monument Festival), Paulina Żaczek (Granko Agency), Bartłomiej Arendarski (Fraunhofer Institute)
14:45 – 16:15 How can the scene become more balanced? Social inequalities, periphery vs centre, geographical and economic exclusion.
Chair: Cezary Chwicewski (Up To Date Festival)
Guests: Giuseppe Moramarco (Clubbing Heritage), Mareen Nagel (Unrush), Yuko Asanuma (Setten Agency), Igor Glushko (Rhythm Buro), Mats Bekkåsen (Monument), Kasia Goscinska (Sfora), Jacek Poplawski (Electrum).
Meetings will be held in English. FREE ENTRY!
The event is part of the joint pro-environmental strategy of Up To Date Festival and Electrum. „The strategic partnership with Up To Date Festival is an opportunity for Electrum to widely present our approach to education and good practices in the area of climate change prevention and environmental protection. We are delighted that, as Bialystok-based Climate Tech, we can support an event that, in terms of both cultural value and promotion of ecology, fits so well with our sustainability strategy. With our help, we want the Up To Date Festival to become a point of reference for other music events in Poland in terms of social responsibility, so that real environmental change can take place on a larger scale.” – says Gabriela Poplawska, Head of Brand and IP, Electrum Holding.
The conference is also taking place thanks to Up To Date Festival’s collaboration with the Norwegian Monument Festival in a project supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norwegian funds.