Pozdro Techno Sound System

Pozdro Techno Sound System was designed and built by the Up To Date Festival team.

It was created in 2018, at a time when interest in electronic music was constantly growing and more and more audiences were finding interest in it, while one of its most important terms – ‘RAVE’ – had infiltrated the language of participants at parties and music events… often becoming synonymous with many narrower concepts and poorer phenomena.

For over a decade, Up To Date Festival has been naturally building interest in music and culture in a way that is far removed from the most popular, commercialised trends. This is because we believe that our culture is more than just a vehicle for having fun with certain music.

Confronted with the interest in the electronic music scene, which is accompanied by the relegation of its important aspects, we wanted to recall what our musical culture was built around.

PLUR – Peace, Love, Unity, Respect – are four simple values on which our community has grown. It is a legacy that is rarely still remembered in the flurry of successive musical events – events where it is difficult to feel the essence of this extraordinary phenomenon, and where simply listening to and experiencing the music is relegated to the background.

“The longing for the things we gathered around in the 1990s has brought us to a place where we stop resenting reality and move in a direction that we find relevant and valuable. We are not complaining about the status quo, we are acting. We create something that fills both places and hearts. We have designed and built a one-of-a-kind sound system that we believe will give us all the opportunity to return to the ideas that once captivated us,” said Jędrzej Dondziło, the Artistic Director of Up To Date Festival, at the moment when Pozdro Techno Sound System saw the light of day.

Pozdro Techno Sound System was officially unveiled in Bialystok during the first event of the event series of the same name. On 18 and 19 May, the Up To Date Festival in Bialystok presented two musical events that were intended as a natural and symbolic extension of the PLUR idea. It was then that the music flowed from the white PTSS sound system.

Sponsor Tytularny
Up To Date Festival 2024



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