European Hybrid Music Network for Cultural Peripheries

IMMERSIONS project funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe program and co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund is set to transform the world of electronic music and cultural engagement across Europe. This collaborative effort brings together Poland, Norway, Portugal, and Lithuania in an ambitious endeavour to create a European hybrid music network that bridges geographical and economic divides.


Under the leadership of partners FOMO_ / Pogotowie (Poland), Monument (Norway), Gare (Portugal), and UAB Novista (Lithuania), the IMMERSIONS project ushers in a new era of musical exploration and education. By hosting hybrid music events and electronic music education activities, this initiative establishes connections among European venues situated in diverse locations. The core mission is to promote European electronic music within cultural peripheries, fostering enhanced opportunities for music professionals and ensuring equitable access to cultural experiences for audiences.

“IMMERSIONS represents an unprecedented opportunity for collaboration and cultural exchange within the European music landscape,” says Jędrzej Dondziło, the artistic director of the initiative from the Pogotowie Kulturalno-Społeczne Association (Cultural and Social Emergency Association), the IMMERSIONS leader. “Through this project, we aim to not only showcase the richness of European electronic music but also to foster inclusion, diversity, and professional growth within the industry.”

Electronic music workshops EDUCATIONS 1. Methods & Visions on Electronic Music Production with Temudo, streamed to partner locations from Gare, Porto. 29.09.2023, photo from the workshops in Białystok (© K. Karpiński) and promotional material (© Jacopo).

The IMMERSIONS project is driven by a shared commitment to geographical and economic inclusion. By facilitating access to music education, cultural events, and networking opportunities, the project uplifts music professionals and empower audiences, irrespective of their geographical location.

Photos from IMMERSIONS events – hybrid music workshops EDUCATIONS 2-4 (01.2024 / 05.2024 / 10.2024) and hybrid music events CONNECTIONS 1-2 (08.2024 / 10.2024) (© K. Karpiński).


The IMMERSIONS – European Hybrid Music Network for Cultural Peripheries project was co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund.
Cost of co-financing – PLN 95,022
Total cost of the task – PLN 671,622
Date of signing the agreement – ​​11/2024

“IMMERSIONS. European Hybrid Music Network for Cultural Peripheries” is a four-year (2023-2027) partnership co-financed by the EU through the Creative Europe program.
The project aims to support and equalize the opportunities for European electronic musicians and organizations operating on the peripheries of large, cultural centers; marginalized by geographical exclusion and negative market mechanisms. Partner organizations are connected by a live broadcast system, and an additional mobile recording and broadcasting studio is used to record and digitally distribute performances free of charge.
In total, the project will include 15 hybrid music events, 16 artistic productions, 7 music workshops and 4 industry meetings in 2024-27.


IMMERSIONS is co-funded by the European Union through the Creative Europe Programme.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Up To Date Festival 2025



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