The Ambient Alley

The Up to Date Festival is well known for its love for ambient music. We shape the image of this music genre with the utmost care. It was in Białystok that we established the series of Ambient Salons, which is one of the most important domestic initiatives promoting this unusual music genre today. It is also here, in the heart of Podlasie, where the Ambient Alley was created

The Ambient Alley runs through the 3rd May Constitution Park and continues through Zwierzyniecki Forest nature reserve. Its location is not a coincidence. We wanted to highlight how important Białystok is for us and to make a walk through the alley a special experience. It’s meant to calm you down and bring you closer to nature. By naming one of the alleys, we symbolically connect the worlds of culture and wild nature. Through the years we’ve been actively singing praise of both of them.

The whole situation was made possible by the city council of Białystok who unanimously supported the idea. A replica of the street name plate was auctioned for Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy charity and sold for 2950 PLN.

The Ambient Alley is the only one of its kind and name in the world. We’re proud of being an important piece of Białystok’s urban fabric. Please feel invited to take a walk down the Ambient Alley every time you’re in Białystok.

Sponsor Tytularny
Up To Date Festival 2025



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