Meet #DOWEREALLYCARE conference panellists

A conference dedicated to mental health, the electronic music scene and eco-friendly activities in the cultural sector. Specially for you, we have invited top male and female professionals to share their knowledge with you at Nie Teatr. Get to know them and the topics of discussion.

FRIDAY, 31.05 

14:30 Conversation in Polish 
Pickle cucumbers, not emotions – how to talk to grow together?

Moderator: Cezary Chwicewski (Electrum Up To Date Festival) (PL)

Grażyna Biedroń (PL)
Kamila Papaj (PL)
Andrzej Bajguz (PL)

16:30 Conversation in Polish 
More than music, more than energy – how to create change together?

Moderator: Vera Banas (Innovation Designer) (PL)

Tomasz Taff (Electrum) (PL)
Joanna Tabaka (Green Cultural Institution) (PL)


14:30 Conversation in English
Challenges of today’s techno scene through the lens of Business Techno: The Game.

Moderator: Maria Jose Mejia (Source Artists) (CO/DE).

Paul Ćinske (Tresor) (DE)
Melania. (Bunkai Terepōto / Granko Agency) (PL/DE)
Pink Concrete (hereandthere / pinkies) (TR/CZ)
Dtekk (Electrum Up To Date Festival, Business Techno: The Game) (PL)

16:30 Conversation in English 
Do the Muses go to war? Culture in a wartime reality

Moderator: Cyryl Rozwadowski (PL)

Vlad Yaremchuk (Music Saves UA) (UA)
Richie Beige (Shum.Rave) (UA/PL)
ILLGAL (ATM Collective, Narocz13) (GE)
Tomek Hoax (Electrum Up To Date Festival) (PL)


The #DOWEREALLYCARE conference is completely free of charge and would not have been created if it were not for the partnership with the Electrum brand.

All panel discussions will take place at Nie Teatr, Henryka Sienkiewicza 4, Białystok. 

Partner and co-organiser of the conference: Electrum

The event received the Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Białystok

Partners of the Conference:
City of Bialystok
Podlaskie Voivodeship
Nie Teatr
Można Zwariować Foundation
Clubbing Haritage

Media Patrons:
Mint Magazine
Radio Nowy Świat 
Radio Kampus 
Czwórka Polish Radio
Radio Akadera Bialystok

Electrum Up To Date Festival 2024

Białystok, Polska

Sponsor Tytularny
Up To Date Festival 2024



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