#dontworrybeyourself, let’s collectively say: “better to pickle cucumbers, not emotions”

For people with a big and open heart – from people with a big and open heart. We are unveiling to you the intro of our upcoming activities under the banner of the #dontworrybeyourself campaign, which we launched a couple of years ago, but it is now that we want to talk about emotions and mental health with redoubled force. We are doing this together with our partner Electrum, because we care.

It’s true that so-called mental health, living in close proximity with other people and taming the multicolored emotions are being talked about more and more these days. Being aware of the important role the psyche plays in everyone’s life, but also the ability to express our emotions, we have been trying to spread awareness about mental health for several years. In the beginning, we gently showed this in our communications, and later expanded our efforts by painting a mural at the University Children’s Clinical Hospital in Bialystok and publishing a series of therapeutic audiobooks. 

However, there are topics that, because of their importance, should not end. A human being, a simple creature, definitely grows better among others, as confirmed by research that the initiator and creative creator of the #dontworrybeyourself action Cezary Chwicewski has tracked for you. We are sure that, along with the course of DWBY’s activities, we will talk about his research. Sometimes from the air, and sometimes from behind the desk… Wanting to be close to another human being, we have already taken our charitable Flying Ambient Salon into the air twice to collect for a good cause, and today we open up to you fully and say: 

Yes, we were/are in therapy, too, but we are and act here for you. In a world that puts a premium on individualism we want to put a premium on community and being together.

Many UTDF team members make no secret of the fact that they are in the therapeutic process. We wouldn’t be talking about it if we didn’t have a series of experiences and reflections ourselves. We are the community of the festival: every day we work to keep our team close to each other (despite being spread all over the country and even the world) and play open, sometimes not easy, cards with each other. This is what our festival is about. We know that it is a kind of exposure, but we want to share our experiences with you. 

Interlude: Cezary sends research for you.

Together? We feel that after the work we’ve put into our own deep process of change, we’re ready to show the plans we have for you in 2024 and 2025. With each passing day, the slogan “Pickle cucumbers, not emotions,” which our Malika created, makes more sense, because if something can be delicious, it’s certainly not pent-up anger, sadness or bitterness. 

For our action this year we invited people from the club scene, specialists and activist people, but the most important part of this action is… you. Watch the roll and see what we have prepared for you in the near future:


Right now:

  • we invite you to the “DOWEREALLYCARE” conference, the theme of which will oscillate around mental health, and admission to the conference is fully free. We will see you on May 31 and June 1 at the Nie Theater in Bialystok;
  • starting today, we will be providing you with content related to #dontworrybeyourself every Wednesday (until the fall) on our social media, so follow our IG and FB;
  • at our Electrum Up To Date festival we will greet you not with champagne, but… cucumbers

the #dontworrybeyourself action opens with the THIRD FLYING AMBIENT SALON, which will take to the air on May 30 (at dawn before the start of our festival). Can it get any better? Yes, we are collecting for the Family Children’s Home, so be generous! This goal is especially important to us, because we believe that taking care of one’s well-being and mental health is worth starting at an early age.


The #dontworrybeyourself campaign could not have happened if it were not for our cooperation with the festival’s title partner: Electrum, behind which are wonderful and open-minded people who share similar values. We believe that together we can do more, but to speak out about mental health and the importance of emotions in human life, we need y each of you. Let’s grow like trees, together, in the name of the slogan healthier together!

Open your hearts and we invite you to follow our activities under the banner of #dontworrybeyourself. Behind us (and in front of us) a huge amount of work that never ends. 🙂
UTDF team

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Up To Date Festival 2024



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