What, where and how: tickets and structure of Electrum Up To Date

The 15th edition of our festival is bound to be one for the books. Four days, new locations, the return of the Central Ambient Salon, and parties till dawn – all happening from May 30th to June 2nd in Białystok during the Electrum Up To Date Festival. Let’s delve into the festival structure and check out the tickets for each event.

This long May-to-June weekend (May 30th – June 2nd) in Podlasie will be a time for us to celebrate music together. Over the course of 4 days, we’ll gather in various venues: the Białystok Puppet Theatre, Galeria Arsenał Elektrownia, the Branicki Palace, and an industrial outdoor space easily accessible from the city center.

DAY 1: Thursday (May 30th)

The Electrum Up To Date Festival will kick off with the Opening Concert at Białystok Puppet Theatre, followed by an evening event at the industrial Galeria Arsenał Elektrownia. We’ll wrap up the first day of the festival with a party lasting until 5:00.

Third Flying Ambient Salon: Charity balloon flight will also be held at dawn on Thursday. You can still bid for seats on the flight at the following link: https://zrzutka.pl/3salon

DAYS 2 and 3 OF THE FESTIVAL: Friday (May 31st) and Saturday (June 1st)

On Friday and Saturday, we’ll return to the Branicki Palace for the beloved Central Ambient Salon. Lay down on the carpet during the ambient shows to recharge your batteries before we take you outdoors for an all night experience. With two stages hosting a diverse lineup of artists, we’ll dance until the break of dawn.

DAY 4: Sunday (June 2nd)

The final day of the Electrum Up To Date Festival will conclude with a grand Closing Concert at the Białystok Puppe Theatre. However, we can’t imagine not being able to relive all these experiences and have a chat with us. After everything is done and dusted, we invite you to join us for a post-festival soft landing at our “Good Night” event. Entrance to the event is free, all will happen at our favorite Rany Julek sushi & bar.


Electrum Up To Date Festival 2024
Bialystok, Polska


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Up To Date Festival 2025



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