FAQ 2024

WHERE AND WHEN IS THE ELECTRUM UP TO DATE FESTIVAL 2024 TAKING PLACE? The 2024 edition takes place from 30.05 to 02.06 in Bialystok. Events will take place in several locations – both outdoor (industrial open air ul. Przędzalniana 10b) and indoor: Arsenal Elektrownia Gallery, Bialystok Puppet Theatre, Branicki Palace.

HOW TO GET TO THE FESTIVAL LOCATIONS FROM THE CENTRE OF BIAŁYSTOK? Travelling to the festival site is hassle-free, with the Arsenal Power Plant Gallery, the Bialystok Puppet Theatre and the Branicki Palace all located in the city centre – a 5-10 minute walk (encouraged). The night’s open-air location can be easily reached by public transport and taxis. A detailed timetable will be made available closer to the event.

WILL THERE BE A CAMPING AREA AVAILABLE AT THE INDUSTRIAL OPEN-AIR SITE? No, it is not possible to camp around the site plan either. The city of Bialystok has a rich infrastructure of accommodation – we will soon give you a list of recommended hotels.

CAN I PARK UNDER THE FESTIVAL SITE? The nearest public car park is about 7-10 minutes walk from the festival site. However, we recommend using public transport and taxis. Your friends will be able to drop you off at the “KISS & RAVE” area. – you will drive right up to the entrance, but without the possibility to park.

WILL I BE ABLE TO BUY SOMETHING TO EAT AND DRINK AT THE INDUSTRIAL OPEN-AIR FESTIVAL? There will be a variety of food and drink outlets on the festival site where you can buy both food and drink (including soft drinks, coffee and alcoholic beverages).

WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU TO THE OUTDOOR FESTIVAL SITE? As with any outdoor music festival, it is a good idea to bring the following in case of rain: a rain jacket, a cape, a warm sweatshirt and a screw-on water thermos, which you will bring after emptying it at the time. Remember that you will not bring a pointed umbrella. We will publish a full list of prohibited items to bring shortly.

ARE MINORS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE FESTIVAL? Yes! If you are over 15 but under 18, you can play at the festival by providing us with a written consent from your parents or legal guardians. If you are under 15, you can only enter the festival grounds with an authorised adult guardian.

AS PART OF THE 50+ ACTION, DO PEOPLE OVER 50 GET IN FOR FREE? ENTER FOR FREE? Yes, people aged over 50 enter free of charge on Friday and Saturday for the night part of the festival, i.e. the Industrial Open-Air events. All you need to do is present an identity document proving your age. 

Due to the nature of this year’s festival locations, we are unable to provide free entry to other events. You are kindly invited to purchase your ticket via Biletomat.pl

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Up To Date Festival 2025



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