15th edition of UTDF will take place in the end of May

Next year’s edition of Up To Date Festival will be special, as the event will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary. Again we will meet in Bialystok, but this time we will greet you here at the turn of May and June. The festival will continue in the direction of exploring the roots of electronic music and the impact of the event on the planet.
We are celebrating our fifteenth anniversary on a new date, continuing the processes of change started this year. Next year’s edition will seal Up To Date Festival’s position as a summer event, this time opening the festival season.
The decision to change the date was neither spontaneous nor easy. For many years, we had been a festival closing the season of summer music events. It was a kind of not only playing with the whims of the weather, but also the financial possibilities of our supporters. Until now, these were our intuitions. Today, thanks to the work done by the staff of the UwB Institute of Sociology, we know that they had their basis. – This is how Jędrzej Dondziło, Director of Up To Date Festival, talks about moving the festival from autumn to the pre-holiday period. 

Pic. Krzysztof Karpiński

🌞 See what it was like at Up To Date Festival Secret Location 2023 🌳

We are happy that the decision to move the date of the festival was received positively by the festival audience.  The festival made my June great and put me in an amazing musical mood for the whole summer holidays. – Agata Ogórek (MusicIs) said in her article about the festival. 

Up To Date Festival fans will meet in Bialystok on 30.05-02.06.23 (this is the so-called long weekend).This means that four days in Podlasie, one of the most beautiful parts of Poland, are waiting for us, filled with electronic music and meetings revolving around ecology, contemporary art or mental health. 

One of our long-term priorities is to further reduce the festival’s impact on the environment.This year, thanks to our cooperation with the festival’s strategic partner, Bialystok-based Climate Tech Electrum, we are embarking on a joint environmental strategy, which will continue in subsequent years. The festival’s achievements to date in this regard include:

abandoning the production of new merch and focusing on the development of the UTDF De Luxe circular collection

the international conference “Do We Really Care”.Watch the transcript from the panel “Does the festival industry even bother about environment?”

A 40% reduction in air travel by artists in favour of public transport (train, bus).

It is worth noting that the more eco-friendly journeys were often more expensive and longer than those by plane, but with the cooperation of the festival and booking agencies such a high goal could be achieved. 

Establishing a partnership with a local water producer, so that those attending could purchase water at a low price and in returnable bottles.

To pass the time while waiting for the first programme announcement, we encourage you to reach for the festival board game ‘Business Techno The Game’ The first print run of the game sold out almost in full, winning the hearts of mainly foreign audiences and media outlets such as Mixmag, Resident Advisor and DJ Mag. The game can currently be purchased directly from the festival by sending an order to [email protected] or at Warsaw’s SideOne. “Think big. Go global. Be techno.”

Pic. Krzysztof Karpiński

A few days before the June edition of Secret Location, the festival’s old profile disappeared from the Facebook platform, taking 13 years of Up To Date Festival history with it. A 6 months-long struggle to get the profile back did not bring the expected results. For this reason, the festival will for the time being communicate with its Facebook audience through a new FB profile (we have renamed the profile Cultural and Social Emergency to a new profile called Up To Date Festival): Up To Date Festival on FB. We would also like to invite you to join the thriving group of the Up To Date Festival Supporters Club.

In recent years we have also initiated a number of activities combining social activity with culture, which resonate strongly regionally and nationwide. Projects such as ‘Send a postcard to your grandmother’ or Ambient Alley in Białystok have made history. One of them is also the “Dont Worry Be Yourself” project, which focuses on taming the topic of mental health and openly talking about it in the world of electronic music.



We are preparing more socially engaged actions in the coming months. Keep an eye on us and UTDF’s activities!

Up To Date Festival 2024
Bialystok, Poland


Sponsor Tytularny
Up To Date Festival 2025



Zapisując się do społeczności Up To Date zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych w celu wysyłania na wskazany przez Ciebie adres e-mail informacji handlowych o nowościach, promocjach, produktach i usługach związanych z serwisem działalnością Stowarzyszenia Pogotowie Kulturalno-Społeczne, formalnego organizatora Up To Date Festival. Będzie to marketing bezpośredni, do realizacji którego wykorzystamy Twoje telekomunikacyjne urządzenia końcowe. Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych będzie Stowarzyszenie Pogotowie Kulturalno-Społeczne w Białymstoku z siedzibą przy ul. Słonimskiej 24/46, 15-028 Białystok, NIP: 9661946463, REGON: 200139520). Przysługuje Tobie prawo do cofnięcia zgody, żądania wglądu do Twoich danych, wniesienia sprzeciwu co do ich przetwarzania, sprostowania, usunięcia i ograniczenia przetwarzania. Więcej informacji o tym jak przetwarzamy Twoje dane znajdziesz w polityce prywatności.